
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Lose the Shoes

This sign reminds me of the "A Women's Right to Shoes" episode from Sex & the City where Carrie and Stanford attend the baby shower at a friend's home and are told to take off their shoes. Carrie is appalled and pleads with the hostess for the sake of fashion but has to agree in the end. Big mistake. Her Manolos are snatched up by another guest. Carrie then "registers" at Manolo Blahnik and asks her host to reimburse her for her loss, her friend thinks it is a ridiculous request. Carrie persists, totalling up all the money she has spent on this friend over the years for wedding gifts and baby showers. Alas, the friend breaks down and Carrie gets a special delivery.
If you have little ones crawling around asking your guest to remove their shoes is reasonable because the crawlers will pick up anything in their path and inevitably put it in their mouth.
So, you could buy this at Target for $29.99

But I think this is a much better idea, from designer Samantha Johnson , it makes the request but stylishly and discreetly. It is also an easy DIY project. images from here, here and here

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